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From the left: prof. Dana Ali (Kazakhstan), Guoda Gedvilaitė-Goehle (Germany), chairwoman prof. Aleksandra Žvirblytė (Lithuania), prof. Rasa Jakutytė-Biveinienė (Spain), prof. Martin Jepsen (Denmark), Alesandr Ivanov (Germany), Daiva Tareilytė-Juškienė (Lithuania)

From the left: Prof. Marianne Jacobs (Sweden-Germany), chairwoman prof. Viktorija Vitaitė (Lithuania), Ala Bendoraitienė (Lithuania), Assoc. prof. Martynas Staškus (Lithuania), prof. Jaroslaw Drzewiecki (Poland)

From the left: Assoc. prof. Rolandas Aidukas (Lithuania), Valentinas Kaplūnas (Lithuania), prof. Petras Vyšniauskas (Lithuania), chairwoman prof. Ramutė Vaitkevičiūtė (Lithuania), prof. Paweł Radziński (Poland)